Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

My wife Sanae has been a bit under the weather lately - lack of energy and gets tired/dizzy easily. Maybe it's a flu bug...

That means I have had to step it up and manage kids/dog solo for most of the time these days.

Man, running the household is HARD WORK!

I knew it was a pretty tough job, but I figured my life as an investment banker was just as tough. No way.

Dealing with getting dinner ready/washing/drying/putting away dishes, getting homework done, wash/dry/fold/put away laundry, picking up toys, clean up dog mess, bath time, tomorrow's prep, and the list goes on and on. It just never ends.

I have new respect for how hard this job really is. There is never a moment's peace, and it is constant motion 24/7. I am the first one up and the last one in bed at the end of the day, and I feel mentally, physically, and emotionally drained at the end of every day.

It is a great experience, and for their part, kids/dog have tried to be cooperative. Still, it's a pretty tough job.

Please take time out and thank your mom for all she does for you.
If you live away from home, tell your mom how grateful you are for her sacrifice in raising you. EVERY DAY should be Mother's Day.

My time away from work has had many lessons, and this has been one of the most important ones - count your blessings. being a parent is a hard job, but the most important and rewarding job you can ever have.

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